Buying Recycle Plastic

PET Bottles, PET Plastic
Buying PET bottles in Blue and Clear colors

Buying various types of PET bottles

The company can buy large quantities of PET bottles and other plastics for recycling to be brought into the recycling process with a modern and environmentally safe production process.

For more information: โทร 034-878-561, 080-593-7668

"Plastic bottle" waste toward the
concept of Circular Economy

Every PET plastic bottle has value.
Collected for recycling.
Create new benefits.
Create a good society and environment together.

Buying PET plastic bottles from antique stores across the country.
from antique stores across the country.

Contribution to plastic waste management, up to 40,000 tons per year or 2,000 million bottles.

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
by 250,000 tons
of carbon dioxide per year.

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